Fairmont SingaporeRead more >
Excellent Helps from Fairmont Security Team !Read more >

Eat, See, Do SingaporeRead more >

Dining in SingaporeRead more >

Shopping in SingaporeRead more >

Fairmont Wedding at The Fairmont SingaporeRead more >

A Singapore Stopover Read more >

Desperately searching for youRead more >

That fateful day on the bundRead more >

Design SpecialRead more >
Introbar Fairmont Singapore, blissful momentsRead more >

Fresh Air is On the MenuRead more >

Singapore SlingRead more >
"Raising the Bar For Service Excellence" Fairmont Singapore Inspired by the Youth Olympic Games (YOGRead more >

Fairmont Singapore Counts Down To the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) With First YOG MuralRead more >

Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Inspired Mooncakes at Fairmont SingaporeRead more >

Unique Amenities Celebrating the 2010 Youth Olympic Games (YOG) at Fairmont SingapreRead more >

Stir-fried Asparagus with Wild Mushroom & Osmanthus FlowerRead more >

Spaghetti with Olive, Basil and Organic VegetableRead more >
Poached Prawn with Lavender Mayonnaise & Mixed Organic SaladRead more >