Destination Makkah: Gateway to the CityRead more >

Makkah Clock Royal Tower, a Fairmont HotelRead more >

Ramadan - Food for the SoulRead more >

amazing interior♡ #hotel #lobby #clockRoyalTower #love #makkah #like #memoriesRead more >

#zamzamtower #clockroyaltower #makkah #photoofthedayRead more >

#mekka #fairmont #clockroyaltowerRead more >

Flashback! in 2012 an unforgettable moment! I miss it! xRead more >

Dia kata, nanti hang balik Malaysia hang mesti mau tolong buang mana yg tk elok yg Duk ada kt industri ni.. Klau tk sia2 peluang dan pengalaman hang.. Insya Allah ustazRead more >

There's only one word can describe this view.. Subhanallah @akuamysearch @saifulnang @faizalbo @diniemasjuki #clockroyaltower #Masjidilharam #kaabahviewRead more >

#clockroyaltower #makkah at #night - #clocktower #saudiarabia #highrise #building #world #iphonesiaRead more >

#mecca #makkah #muslim #madinah #madina #movenpickRead more >

#iphone #photo #makkah #tower #clockroyaltower #saudiarabiaRead more >

#mekka#kaa'ba#clockRoyalTower#Read more >

#makka #makkah #macca #hollymosque #almasjedalharaam #kaabah #baitullah #intercontinental #daraltawhid #raffles #clockroyaltowerRead more >

We got to touch the Ka'Ba and wAllah it was the greatest experience I've every had! #MashAllah #ClockRoyalTowerRead more >

Terbaru dari Masjidil Haram 4 Syaaban waktu maghrib.. #Kaabah #Newmataf #clockroyaltower #BaitullahRead more >

Now a view of our #hotel from the #Kaaba. #ClockRoyalTower #Fairmont #Mecca #SaudiRead more >

#makkah #saudiarabia #umre #umrah #zemzemtower #clockroyaltower #goodmorningRead more >

Be part of the next chapter with Fairmont Hotels & ResortsRead more >

Modern and Ancient TimesRead more >